If your credit card balances are too high and you are unable to pay your credit card bill, there can be many consequences, including collections and a potential lawsuit against you to recover the outstanding balance.
Most consumers receive a large number of collection calls when they miss a credit card payment. Collection calls can last for months and there can be multiple collection calls times per day. Many consumers receive collection calls from creditors such as credit card companies or collection calls from debt collectors. Excessive collection calls can interfere with your peace of mind, and abusive or harassing debt collection practices by unscrupulous debt collectors can lead you to believe the collector might take action the collector does not intend to take or not authorized by law. If you are receiving unwanted collection calls, you have the right to instruct the collector not to call you anymore. Most consumers who miss a credit a card payment or default on credit card payments will receive a large number of collection calls, usually to their mobile telephone. There are several collection laws that protect consumer rights and permit you to instruct the collector not to call you anymore, including the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you have recently defaulted on credit card obligations, speak to a knowledgeable consumer attorney who can help you protect your rights and deal with credit issues. Our consumer attorneys help individuals in Arizona and Michigan and can help you stop collection calls. There are consumer protection statutes like the FDCPA and TCPA which allow you to sue the collector for violating collection laws. You may also be a candidate for debt settlement or bankruptcy. Please contact us by using our contact form at the bottom of our website.
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May 2024